
Exploring the footprints of Chinese modernization in the hundred-year history of the school -- the modernization part of the "Into the Red Classics Series" by school of Marxism

Why can the Communist Party of China complete in a few decades the modernization process that Western developed countries took hundreds of years?  How to better answer this question, so that students have a more intuitive understanding of China's modernization process? On the morning of April 3, 2024, Professor Niu Hai, Vice dean of the School of Marxism, and Associate Professor Li Meijing of the Teaching and Research Department of Sinicization led 100 undergraduates to the school History Hall and the former residence of Liu Zhanen, to find out the unique historical footprints of Chinese modernization of the school.

At the beginning of the event, Professor Niu Hai started from the century-old development history of our university and the century-old industrial history of Yangpu District, combined with the process of China's modernization, and explained that in the course of exploring Chinese modernization, each generation has the mission of a generation, and each generation of Chinese youth has made outstanding contributions in the development history of the country, contributing their own wisdom, strength and even life, leaving their own struggle footprints. He has fulfilled his mission of The Times. Facing the future, today's Chinese youth, in participating in the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization and the great cause of national rejuvenation, must adhere to lofty ideals and beliefs, continue to follow the path of their predecessors, dedicate their own strength, and write a more brilliant chapter of The Times


Professor Niu Hai teaches on site in the school history hall

Entering the school history museum, students stopped in front of the rich pictures to read, took pictures one by one, and collected them in their own albums. One of the metal seat camera cameras caught the attention of students. This camera was mainly used in the 1970s to 1990s to capture the internal structure of metal materials and analyze their properties. Bai Shiyu, a student from the 2022 School of Mechanical Engineering, said, Shanghai University of Technology has started from a simple metal seat camera and gradually moved towards the field of modern advanced manufacturing. This development trajectory reflects the brilliant achievements of China's modernization from small to large.

From a modern perspective, the establishment of Hujiang University marks the birth of the first higher education institution in Yangpu District. The century old Shanghai University of Technology has witnessed Yangpu's century long university civilization and its transformation from an industrial rust belt to an industrial demonstration belt. In the field of technological innovation, alumni have won numerous honors and awards, as well as academician walls, which have left a deep impression on students and become the driving force for everyone's hard work and struggle. The stories of academicians not only demonstrate the noble spirit of generations of academicians who love their country, pursue ideals, persist in scientific research, and serve the people, but also demonstrate their indomitable, pragmatic, and innovative style, inspiring the younger generation to overcome difficulties and forge ahead on the path of modernization. Ni Ziyu, a student from the 2022 version of the School of Arts, sighed at a graduation certificate and said, In this graduation certificate, the big 'serving the people' serves as the bottom plate, constantly reminding the upper class to put the people at the center, strengthen education on ideals and beliefs, integrate the inheritance of revolutionary spirit with the needs of modernization construction, and motivate teachers and students to constantly move forward..


The students are visiting the school history hall

The students' harvest and feelings are still a lot, teacher Li Meijing also sighed: Shanghai University of Science and Technology, as a university with a century-long history, has witnessed the 'industrialization' in the era of China standing up, the 'four modernizations' in the era of prosperity and the' Chinese-style modernization 'in the era of strength, which is not only the epitome of the process of Chinese-style modernization, but also the participant and devotee in the process of Chinese-style modernization, and its resource advantages are worth our in-depth exploration.


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