
Increasing Forms, Highlighting interaction, and focusing on Guidance -- the Multi-way Exploration of the teaching reform of Ideological and Political Courses

In order to effectively implement the reform of ideological and political theory courses in the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, promote the construction of high-quality ideological and political courses in the school, and carry out the teaching reform activity of large class teaching and group discussion, teacher Wu Dong has explored multiple ways of teaching reform of ideological and political courses in the teaching process of this semester.

In the concrete teaching practice, Wu Dong explores four ways: thematic debate competition, open personal display, guided thematic discussion and classic literature reading. Among them, in the debate competition with the theme of Li Hongzhang's merits and faults, the emphasis is on making students grasp the correct historical view, evaluate historical figures scientifically and guard against historical nihilism. In the open personal exhibition, students will give full play to their personal learning interests and knowledge strengths, and choose topics within the scope of modern and modern history without limitation to the form and type. In the guided thematic discussion, given the theme of Why did the early exploration of the country's way out fail, students learn around Where China is going and understand the inevitability of the proletariat leading the Chinese revolution to victory. In order to make students fully understand the connotation of modern Chinese history and achieve the purpose of ideological and political teaching, some classical documents are also studied together.

The above teaching practice is an active attempt to promote the teaching reform of ideological and political course in Shanghai University of Science and Technology and to build a big ideological and political course. Through increasing teaching practice forms, enhancing classroom interaction content, increasing teacher-student communication and discussion, we can achieve the purpose of deepening students' cognition of this subject and improving the effect of ideological and political theory teaching. In the teaching process, the students actively participated in the scene, the atmosphere was active, and they said that they had gained a lot. And further realize that national independence, national prosperity and strength do not come easily. In the face of future challenges, we should keep our mission in mind and forge ahead.

Copyright©School of Marxism, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Address: No.334 Jungong Rd, Yangpu District, Shanghai, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology